
SOUTH SUDAN: Digitalisation for Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI)

Alberto Eisman


Wau (South Sudan)

Alberto Eisman


79 Nursing students, 64 Midwifery students

Alberto Eisman

Local Counterpart

Solidarity with South Sudan

Alberto Eisman


Purchase of 14 laptops, replacement of 12 batteries and connectivity

Alberto Eisman


Health, Digitalisation

Alberto Eisman

Funding Partners

Central Catholic Office for Development (Berlin), Solidarity for South Sudan


Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

The Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI) is one of the key learning institutions in Southern Sudan. After a first equipment of IT material some years ago, BEGECA was able to support the installation of new laptops and the replacement of batteries for the 12 existing laptops. 

The state of health care in South Sudan is very critical. After several crisis since gaining its independency in 2011 the Republic of South Sudan has nowaday one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world under the age of 5: one in ten children dies before their fifth year.

One step towards a better health care in South Sudan is an improved training of qualified medical personnel.

The Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI) is a project of Solidarity with South Sudan and represents a recognized institute in the Republic of South Sudan for the training of diploma level nurses and midwives, according to the curricula developed by the Ministry of Health and Higher Education. The professional training provided by Solidarity through the CHTI in Wau is a concrete response to address the issue of lacking healthcare.

In the institution, most of the students do not own a laptop and depend on the laptops available in the institution’s IT lab for study and research. Though, existing laptops were outdated with an age of 8 - 10 years and non-functioning batteries.

(Pictures have been used with permission of CHTI-Wau)