
BENIN: Solar for Childrens' Hospital in Bembéréké

Alberto Eisman


Bembéréké (Benin)

Alberto Eisman


20.000-25.000 children treated by the hospital per year

Alberto Eisman

Local Counterpart

Hôspital Evangelique UEEB Bembereke

Alberto Eisman


Installation of a 42,5 kWp solar system with smart meters

Alberto Eisman


Renewable Energies

Alberto Eisman

Funding Partners

Central Catholic Office for Development (Berlin), Sternsinger (Kindermissionswerk), Mercedes-Benz Group, Verein Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V.


Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Alberto Eisman

Two to three times a year the association Kinderchirurgie in Afrika e.V. organizes a mission of a team of surgeons, anesthetists, and medical specialists to provide medical care to children for 2 weeks in Benin.

At the beginning of 2022, the doctors' team developed an idea during her mission in the hospital to equip critical areas of the hospital with a photovoltaic system. This will prevent life-threatening situations and at the same time save costs, which in turn will be passed on to the patients through lower treatment costs.

This is the first phase of a more ambitious project. In this phase, certain critical areas (3 operating theatres, neonatology and paediatrics) are to be equipped with a solar power system. The energy and power requirements were determined using an existing monitoring system. The maximum power required is approx. 30 kW. The amount of energy required daily is approx. 150 kWh.

The planned solar power system has a PV generator output of approx. 42.5 kWp, which means that on average the amount of energy required daily can be provided at the project site. Three inverters with a total output power of 3x 15 kW = 45 kW are able to provide the required power. The higher output is selected to compensate for unequal utilisation of the three phases.

BEGECA supported the project of Kinderchirugie in Afrika e.V. with its technical expertise and excellent purchasing conditions as well as with funds from the Katholischen Zentralstelle für Entwicklung e. V. (KZE)